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Join the conversation! The forum activity is now at GOATeach.org!  We are working to cross pollinate our conversations. Document and share tools at farm hack and talk at GOAT!  Also join GOAT riot and introduce yourself and your projects!

Agricultural Lending Library @ NOFAVT Hackathon

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The documentation for this working group is this google.doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WtTYGqOyjdGw0vA86Eljh6UEiIKroJ2vaL7oiDA6lrI/pub

kwasi asiedu's picture


dorn's picture

By contributing to the community you become an affiliate. Feel free to open an "open shop" for your organization to organize the tools and activities of your group on Farm Hack. Welcome to Farm Hack!

blogneezs's picture

By contributing to the community you become an affiliate. Feel free to open an "open shop" for your organization to organize the tools and activities of your group on Farm Hack. Welcome to Farm Hack!